Beef and Asparagus Stir-fry

in Recipes
15 mins

Crunchy asparagus and chili complement strips of steak in this simple dish. Remember to prepare asparagus, snap off and discard though ends of spears, then cut spears into 1/2 inch slanting slices.


  • 450g beef stir-fry strips
  • 1 bunch asparagus, cut into 6 cm lengths
  • 100g snow peas, trimmed
  • 1 small onion, sliced into thin wedges
  • 2 tsp grated ginger
  • 2 tbps peanut oil
  • 2 tbps oyster sauce
  • 1 tbp salt-reduced soy sauce
  • 1 tbp sherry


  1. Mixed in soy sauce, oyster sauce, ginger and 1 tbsp. sherry in a large bowl.
  2. Add beef strips into the mixed sauce. Cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
  3. Heat half the oil in a wok. Drain the beef from the marinade. Cook beef over high heat in batches until nearly cooked through. Set aside.
  4. Heat remaining oil in the wok over high heat. Add onion and cook until just tender. Return meat to the wok, along with the asparagus, snow pea and stir-fry for a further 2 minutes.

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